Discovery Workshops

At BandaPixels, we understand that successful software development projects start with a solid foundation of discovery. That's why we offer a comprehensive discovery phase aimed at meeting the unique needs of your business. Our agile discovery workshops are designed to ensure that your project is set up for success right from the start, by gaining a deep understanding of your goals, objectives, and target audience.

What is a product discovery workshop?

A product discovery workshop is an interactive and collaborative session that brings together stakeholders, product managers, designers, developers, and other key team members to define and align on the vision, goals, and requirements of a software development project. It serves as the initial phase of the project, where the focus is on exploring and understanding the problem to be solved and identifying the best approach to solve it.

What happens at the discovery phase of a project?

During the workshop, we delve into the intricacies of your business, industry, and target market. We ask probing product discovery questions to gain insights and understand the needs and pain points of your users. By employing various techniques, such as user interviews, stakeholder discussions, and design thinking exercises, we ensure a thorough exploration of your project’s landscape.

Our Approach

We follow an agile approach to the discovery phase, which means we emphasize iterative and incremental development. This allows us to validate assumptions, gather feedback, and adapt our approach as we learn more about your product and its users. Our agile discovery stage enables us to quickly identify opportunities, mitigate risks, and make informed decisions throughout the project lifecycle.

01 Understand the Strategy

This helps us choose the most effective process to complete the project according to the set criteria.

02 Define the Scope of Work

It’s important to know what problem the service will solve. This helps us estimate the overall cost and budget.

03 Outline Technical Specifications

Listing out the technical requirements helps us create an accurate budget and timeline, which can be formalized in a contract.

04 Plan Meetings and Updates

We schedule meetings and updates to keep our partners informed about the project’s progress and address any arising issues promptly.

05 Project Execution

We follow the plan we’ve agreed upon, providing regular reports.

06 Testing and Launching

We conduct a final check of all functions and launch the project on the server.

07 Ongoing Support

After the launch, we fix any unexpected errors that may come up.

Key deliverables of the discovery phase

The discovery phase project management is a crucial part of our process, and we deliver a set of valuable outcomes to guide the subsequent development stages. Discovery phase deliverables may include:

Product Vision and Strategy
We collaborate with your team to define a clear vision and strategic goals for your product. This helps align all stakeholders and ensures everyone is working towards a common objective.
User Personas and User Journey Mapping
We develop detailed user personas that represent your target audience and create user journey maps to visualize their interactions and pain points. This helps us empathize with your users and design a user-centric product.
Feature Prioritization and Roadmap
We work together to prioritize features based on user needs, business goals, and technical feasibility. We then create a roadmap that outlines the sequence of feature development, allowing for better planning and resource allocation.
Design Concepts and Prototypes
After holding a UX discovery workshop, our team of designers creates wireframes, mockups, and interactive prototypes that bring your product concept to life. These visual representations help validate ideas, gather feedback, and refine the user experience.

The Discovery Team

Our discovery workshops are facilitated by experienced project managers and domain experts who guide the collaborative sessions and ensure that all perspectives are considered. We assemble a multidisciplinary team that includes designers, developers, and subject matter experts relevant to your industry. This diverse group brings together a wealth of knowledge and expertise to inform and shape your product's direction.

Business Analyst

Project Manager


Ready to discuss your project?

Tech stack

Frontend Technologies
JavaScript Typescript HTML5 SCSS CSS3 ReactJS Angular 2+ NextJS Redux Bootstrap MomentJS Redux-toolkit Redux-saga Material-UI React-query Axios Angular Material
JavaScript Typescript ExpressJS NestJS NodeJS MomentJS Sequelize TypeORM AWS Client Scheduler Cron Job Prisma
MySQL MongoDB FireBase PostgreSQL SQlite3 Redis
Server Management
AWS Cloud Google Cloud
CI/CD Pipelines
CircleCI Gitlab CI Github Actions
Development Tools
Terraform Ansible Docker
Technologies & Platforms
GraphQL REST Websocket Figma Apollo Hasura
Project Management Tools
Jira Trello Redmine ClickUp Notion Gantt Chart


Bandapixels, LLC has delivered the platform before the deadline successfully. Their professional and skilled team has ensured the project's success. They have communicated and cooperated well in the workflow. They have maximized their team's productivity at affordable service fee. ”

Lukas Keller, CTO, IT Company Zurich, Switzerland

Thanks to Bandapixels, LLC, the product was used by more than 20 customers and uncovered hidden five-digit costs. The team effectively streamlined the workflow that ensured all deadlines were met. In the end, they impressively worked in a flexible, spontaneous, independent, and autonomous manner.”

Anonymous, Developer, IoT Solutions Company Munich, Germany

Bandapixels, LLC's project is now being used worldwide. The vendor was able to finish a high-quality product despite having to finish it within a rigid timeframe. They also quickly fixed issues that had risen during the project. Overall, the vendor exceeded the client's expectations.”

Ivan Lomakin, CMO, Afterlogic.Works Cheyenne, Wyoming, USA

Let's work together to make your project a success